CBD oil has become an integral part of the beauty regime in recent years. Its oral consumption is associated with many health benefits, such as reducing pain, inflammation, anxiety and insomnia. CBD has plenty more to offer. Its topical application can help the skin appear youthful and glow. Numerous popular brands are incorporating cannabidiol into their beauty products to enhance their performance. Being the largest and the most prominent organ of the body, our skin should be well-maintained and as technologies advance we should take it upon ourselves to apply what is healthy and available. A supple and glowing skin reflects a nourished body and sound mind. CBD can interact with the body at a molecular level and allow the skin to be more elastic and resilient.
ASHARIO CANNABIS is Canada's No 1 cannabis dispensaries in North York of Toronto and Aurora. It offers high quality cannabis beauty products that are highly recommended for beautiful skin. Before we get into the details of products, let us take a quick look at how it can help us.
How can CBD help the skin?
The human skin is the largest organ, and it has a dense concentration of cb2 receptors that are components of the endocannabinoid system. Microscopic CBD particles can seep into the dermal layers and interact with these receptors to produce the desired effects like reducing fine lines and wrinkles. Here is how CBD can help in reducing the signs of aging.
Reduces stress
CBD can help balance cortisol production, a steroid hormone produced when the body experiences stressful conditions. Reducing cortisol production can improve behavior, energy levels and mood.
Relieves skin conditions
The anti-inflammatory properties of CBD can help in relieving the symptoms of inflammatory skin conditions such as Psoriasis and Eczema. Topical application can help in reducing rashes, swelling, itching, and red patches.
Reduces acne breakout
Production of sebum and accumulation of harmful bacteria in the skin's pores can lead to acne breakouts. CBD can regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands, which will eventually help in preventing acne.
Improves elasticity
Our skin produces collagen that makes the skin elastic and supple. Poor nutrition, environmental pollutants, and smoking can affect the elasticity of the skin. Research has shown that CBD can regulate the production of collagen and elastin protein.
Combats oxidative stress
Oxidative stress is a result of an imbalance between the antioxidants and free radicals in the body. Free radicals can cause damage to the cell lining and could be a potential cause of aging. CBT 10 fights against these free radicals and keeps skin healthy.
Promotes relaxation & sleep
Research has shown that CBD can also aid in having restful sleep. People who have insomnia have a high cortisol level in their blood even at night. CBD can help in fighting insomnia by regulating the production of cortisol. Proper sleep can reduce puffy eyes and dark circles, resulting in a younger appearance.
Popular CBD topicals
CBD beauty products include a wide range of options available at different Ashario cannabis stores including balms, salves, moisturizers, oils, creams and lotions. Here are the top selling products by ASHARIO CANNABIS

Feel Good CBD Facial Rejuvenating Cream
Along with 36% THC and 720% CBD the product contains collagen which is an active anti-aging ingredient. It also contains shea butter and vitamin E which makes it a great moisturizer.
Glow Day and Night Cream Combo Pack
With about 1500% CBD and about 500% THC, these fast absorbing night and day cream also contains jojoba oil and shea butter. It has a great CBD and THC balance with aromas of lavender and rose.
Solei Cucumber CBD Mint Cream
It contains a very high level of CBD and a considerably low quantity of THC. It is a great soothing option for inflamed and sensitive skin.
Back Forty Glacial Gold Clay Facial Mask
Glacial face mask is a perfect formula with a lavender aroma made with all natural ingredients. It has about 750% CBD which can help in rejuvenating the skin in no time.
Proofly Natural Charcoal CBD Face Mask
This incredible charcoal mask is also made with all natural ingredients and contains 500 mg of CBD along with activated charcoal. It also contains aloe Vera and shea butter which can soothe inflamed skin and keep it hydrated.
Important Notice: Content on this website is intended strictly for informational purposes. Ashario does not promote any product or represent that the products mentioned on Ashario's website are treatments for any kind of medical condition. Ashario cannot guarantee that information provided is error-free or complete and is not responsible for the quality of the information provided by users. Ashario does not endorse any user-reported information, any particular strain, product, producer, organization, treatment, or therapy.