Responsible cannabis use is essential for ensuring a safe and enjoyable experience. This guide provides valuable tips for individuals looking to consume cannabis responsibly.

Tips for Responsible Use

New or experienced, these tips are always good to keep in mind when purchasing and consuming cannabis.

Consuming cannabis responsibly will help you to manage your experience better. Keep these four tips in mind when choosing and consuming cannabis.


- Start with a tiny amount, especially if you’re new to cannabis, trying a new product, or using a new method of consumption.

- Consider THC and CBD content in products. New users should opt for mild THC levels or choose products with higher CBD levels to counter some of the effects of THC.

- Try lower-risk alternatives to combustion inhalation (smoking).

- Be patient; consume a tiny amount when ingesting cannabis and wait at least an hour to gauge effects. A small amount can produce an intense effect; it just might take a little while to set in, depending on the product type and other factors.


For more information on reducing the risks associated with cannabis use, visit for Lower-Risk Cannabis Use Guidelines.


Health and Safety Tips

Before consuming cannabis, know that it is never risk-free for your health. To minimize the associated risks, keep these things in mind:


- Avoid cannabis before the age of 25, as it may affect brain development.

- Never drive after or while consuming cannabis. Cannabis products containing THC will cause impairment in motor skills, cognition and decision-making abilities.

- Avoid consuming cannabis if you’re pregnant or breastfeeding.

- Avoid cannabis if you’re at risk for mental health issues, such as having a family or personal history of schizophrenia, psychosis or substance misuse.

- Avoid mixing cannabis and alcohol, as it increases impairment.

- Avoid mixing cannabis with tobacco, as it increases the health risks and the likelihood of dependency.

- Keep cannabis safely out of the reach of children and pets.

- Do not smoke cannabis with a child in the home. Second-hand smoke is a severe health risk.

- Holding cannabis smoke in your lungs during inhalation may increase the health risks associated with carcinogens and toxins that are released through combustion.

- Any cannabis bought outside or any other legal dispensary may not be safe for use.




Important Notice: Content on this website is intended strictly for informational purposes. Ashario does not promote any product or represent that the products mentioned on Ashario's website are treatments for any kind of medical condition. Ashario cannot guarantee that information provided is error-free or complete and is not responsible for the quality of the information provided by users. Ashario does not endorse any user-reported information, any particular strain, product, producer, organization, treatment, or therapy.

Important Notice: Content on this website is intended strictly for informational purposes. Ashario does not promote any product or represent that the products mentioned on Ashario's website are treatments for any kind of medical condition. Ashario cannot guarantee that information provided is error-free or complete and is not responsible for the quality of the information provided by users. Ashario does not endorse any user-reported information, any particular strain, product, producer, organization, treatment, or therapy.